Axel Eckert

Axel Eckert

* 16.06.1952
† 20.06.2010 in Kamen
Erstellt von FUNKE Medien NRW GmbH
Angelegt am 20.06.2010
1.210 Besuche


Neueste Einträge (7)



Entzündet am 13.04.2024 um 19:16 Uhr

So traurig Dein Tod war hast Du doch großes Glück über mich gebracht. Dein Neffe Axel ist schon 12 Jahre alt. Du ärest stolz auf ihn. Danke, lieber Bruder.



Entzündet am 12.09.2021 um 09:56 Uhr

Du hast mit deinem Tod eine Ehe gestiftet, aus der Axel Cusco geboren wurde. Er ist schon 9 Jahre alt.

Du hast viele Mnsche glücklich gemacht! 

Ich denke jedenTag an Dich!



Entzündet am 02.03.2012 um 12:00 Uhr


Von Cruz del Rosario ###, paz

17.02.2011 um 16:42 Uhr
;´-THE EARTH SUFFERS...-´; "The sky is crying... The Earth shakes...shakes a´s scared... The water try to give her comfort...wants to embrace her...and tell her everything is fine.... The wind is scared....wants to scape....wants to get away from there.. The red mantle destroyes´s furious... Animals devour each other....they don´t love each other.... And the Earth is suffering...the Earth....vanishes" Woo!...I´m very happy....n.n....but I´ll tell you why later.....XD...this time...I talk about a subject that they left me as a duty....(yes, another subject of those...XD)..that, in my opinion, is VERY important....and that EVERYONE of us should be aware of... How many times haven´t we heard talking about "Global Warming"? How many times do we give it the importance it deserves? How many times do we brush the subject aside? The planet, we want it or not, it´s going to end....and not only because of the draining of natural resources, or because the animals dying...the main reason is because we humans.....we are destroying ourselves. So many wars, so many deaths, kidnapping, robbery....are they worth anything? What do they want to prove with that? If the world is ending.....humans are going to disappear way before everything ends...I know it sounds pessimistic...but that´s the way I see this things...I know still there´s a solution for Global Warming...but for hatred between humans...I DON´T THINK SO....that is something people don´t want to see...they think killing each other and making war they´ll get to show they are superior.... I wanted helping the planet many times....(if I´m a microcosm in this macrocosm)...I wanted to show we can get rid of contamination and wars...but the people, the population....don´t want to help themselves!!!...if just that people had a conscience of what´s happening....that the ozone layer is being destroyed...that sun rays are going to get through to us directly...that resources are draining....that the oceans raise their levels....if we just were conscious of this things....I think we could mend it.... But well....this is my opinion...n.n..This thing about wars and contamination sound NO GOOD to me.....and I know a lot of people must think alike...but there´s other that don´t care....I want to see the day when everything starts to end and when there won´t be cure for illness....then I´ll say...."I warned you".... The first´s something I wrote...n.n...I think there are thing there that are easily understandable...(like when I say the sky cries...I mean...rains...XDD..)...when I say "The Earth shakes..." I mean...earthquakes and seisms..."the wind is scared"....cyclones and hurricanes..."the red mantle destroyes everything"....c´mon, that one is easy to guess...the fire!!!...XDD...and the last..."Animals devour each other"....who more than humans? my own way of thinking...I see us as animals that just think more than the others....XDDD If you are thinking I´m "Pro-Life"....yes, I am....XDD... I adore the nice feeling of pleasure, lived sensation, sensation of warmth and security in the deep meditation. That´s the Energy of the same Universal Fountain.


Torsten Eckert

Entzündet am 23.06.2010 um 12:00 Uhr
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